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Mais pra que sera que serve a mesa traduzida? pra muita coisa...
procure encantar mais itens com "darkness" "elemental" "curse" "destroy" maioria das veses vem coisa boa. NUNCA com "animal" "humanoid" as veses isso pode sair coisas bem ruins. boas haramente.
Alguns encantos que pode-se usar:
[bota] cube hot sphere [p3 peso pena 4]
[bota] bless other curse [p3 peso pena 4]
[bota] ignite fiddle stale [p3 peso pena 4]
[bota] inside free free [p4]
[bota] cold free hot [p4]
[calça] imbue fire self [p3]
[calça] demon twist ball [p3]
[calça] stale fire ball [p4]
[calça] shirink demon imbue [p4]
[peito] fiddle elder animal [p3t2]
[peito] physical twist scrolls [p4t2]
[peito] free undead fresh [p3t1]
[peito] creature self stuff [p4t2]
[peito] enchant stretch elder [p3t1]
[peito] beast limited twist [p3t2]
[peito] xyzzy of other fire [p3t2]
[peito] sphere cold the the [p4t2]
[peito] klaatu wet range [p4]
[capa7] imbue water light [p4]
[capa7] of creature berata [p4]
[capa7] demon water elder [p4afin1]
[capa7] fire enchant wet [p3resp3]
[capa7] limited ball fire [p3resp3afin1]
[capa7] niktu stale dry [p3]
[sword] demon elder fire [s3]
[sword] enchant of free [artrop5]
[sword] ignite darkness ignite scrolls [s4]
[sword] wet bless elemental [s4l3]
[sword] darkness darkness cold enchant [s4f2k2]
[sword] of elemental bless [julg4l3]
[sword] elder earth dry [s4]
[sword] demon other twist [s3r2]
[sword] cube ball fresh [s3]
[sword] darkness physical shrink fire [s4f2]
[pick] ball dry ignite [eff4umb3fort2]
[pick] darkness fresh enchant [eff4skill1]
[pick] hot other fiddle [eff4umb3]
[pick] scrolls dry stuff [eff4umb3]
[pick] sphere air twist [eff4umb3]
[pick] fresh demon twist [eff4skill1]